Sunday, September 6, 2009

I won a Kreativ Blogger Award!!

Thank You to Cheap Chick's Ray of Sunshine for awarding me this AWESOME blog award! I am truly appreciative of this!
Cheap Chick left me a wonderful comment this morning letting me know that I was nominated and this is what she had to say about my site:
  • Frugal Mom Of Three Boys - Veronica has a great frugal living blog with unique content and good tips.

A few rules accompany the award:

  1. Place the logo on the blog.
  2. Link to the person who nominated the blog for this award.
  3. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
  4. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
  5. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
  6. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.

So Here is the 7 things about myself that I hope you MIGHT find interesting:

  1. I have three boys (ages 4, 2, and a 5 month old) that I spend my entire day chasing after, cleaning up spilled milk, baby powder, you name it. My 2 year old is very creative with making messes.
  2. I have played the piano since I was 5 years old and still love to play today when I get a free chance.
  3. I absolutely love to coupon! It has become almost like a game to see how much I can save on each grocery trip.
  4. I am so OCD....haha..My husband thinks I am seriously demented in some way since I love to have every item in my house in it's own "Special" little home/place. Hey, I like a clean house :)
  5. I have two college degrees from University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Bachelor of Science in Accounting (I love numbes, I tell ya...LOL) and a Bachelor of Science in Economics.
  6. I have two cats, Cricket and Corky, who love to say they rule my house even though my children think they rule the house too.
  7. I am actually very crafty - I love to quilt, cross stitch, and make items. It helps pass the time when I am at home with the kids

Seven (7) blogs I’d like to nominate for the Kreativ Blogger Award:

  1. Money Saving Madness- A great site to find AWESOME deals, unique posts to read, and coupon match-ups for all the upcoming sales.
  2. To Save A Penny - Love this site for she has really helped me find some great deals to save extra cash on my grocery trips & even saving money at restaurants!
  3. Coupon Journey - A site you will love for great giveaways, awesome finds, and new printable coupons.
  4. Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls - A site you will want to visit and bookmark for she has great giveaways going on right now & the latest finds.
  5. From Dates to Diapers - A wondeful site about menu planning, family, & being with your children.
  6. A Journey of 1,000 Stitches - I frequent her site quite often to see what her new projects that she is working on and to get some innovative ideas on craft projects.
  7. Sewing Mom - Another site that I have to frequent everyday to read about family life & children.


Layla September 7, 2009 at 10:56 PM  

Oh my gosh!! Thanks for the award!! I really appreciate it! I got this from another blogger this week too, so I'll add your name as well!

Thanks again! What a great group of women to be associated with.


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